published on: 2012-09-26

So you think you wanna be a web developer...

Fork https://gist.github.com/3788769 and update your copy with answers.

They don't need to be precise - pseudo-code is fine in most cases.

Some questions don't have correct answers.

Submit your answers to ara@dojo4.com

  FROM: you@yeraaddy.com

  SUBJECT: [dojo4-quiz] quiz-1



ref: https://gist.github.com/3788769

1. is this broken in html5? if so why?

  <div id='teh_javascripts' />

teh answerz...

2. write an http GET request for the url


teh answerz...

3. in any language you choose, write this to run in parallel

  numbers = 20, 1

  results = []

  numbers.each do |number|
    results.push( parallelize{ number * 2 } )

  sum = reduce( results )

teh answerz...

4. in any language you choose, write this to run in parallel on multiple cores

  numbers = 20, 1

  results = []

  numbers.each do |number|
    results.push( parallelize{ number * 2 } )

  sum = reduce( results )

teh answerz...

5. is this broken in html5?, why?

  <label for='user.email'>
  <input name='user.email'>

teh answerz...

6. what is value of 'status'

  if @not_modified
    render :status => status

teh answerz...

7. is this javascript broken? if so, why?

  var submit = document.getElementById("submit");


teh answerz...

8. which is better? why?

<!-- A -->

      <td class='key' style='width:33%'>
        {{ dynamic_content_for(:key) }}
      <td class='val'>
        {{ dynamic_content_for(:val) }}

<!-- B -->

  <div class='fluid grid'>
    <div class='row'>
      <span class='key width33'>
        {{ dynamic_content_for(:key) }}
      <span class='val'>
        {{ dynamic_content_for(:val) }}

teh answerz...

9. which is better? why?

# A

  if var == 42

# B

  if 42 == var

teh answerz...

10. describe steps to debug this problem

  @response =
    http_request(url, :method => method, :params => params, :headers => headers)

  if @response.ok?

teh answerz...

11. which is better? why?

# A

  if foo.bar.baz

# B

  if foo
    if foo.bar
      if foo.bar.baz

teh answerz...

12. is this javascript broken? if so, why?


    'method'  : 'POST',

    'params'  : params,

    'headers' : headers


teh answerz...

13. what color is this?


teh answerz...

14. what number is this?


teh answerz...

15. describe an algorithm to detect the 'edges' in these pixels

  0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 1 1 1 0
  0 1 1 1 1 0
  0 1 1 1 0 0
  0 0 0 0 0 0

teh answerz...

15. what does @X represent?

  $color = [@X, @R, @G, @B].as_hex

teh answerz...

16. what are the advantages of static linking?

  export HINT=$LD_RUN_PATH

teh answerz...

17. wtf is this javascript doing?

     var uploader = new qq.FileUploader(options);

     var image_ids = [];

     uploader._uploadFileList = function(){
       image_ids = [];
       var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
       var result = qq.FileUploaderBasic.prototype._uploadFileList.apply(uploader, args);

teh answerz...

18. what does this code do?

  jQuery('.help').find('a').attr('tabindex', '-1');

teh answerz...

19. how would you solve this problem?

  ~ > run_api_tests_locally

    "FAIL: you must access teh API from a box on EC2 with IP!"

teh answerz...

20. which is better? why?

// A

  User.prototype.first_name = function(){
    return this.name.split(/\s+/)[0];

// B

  User.prototype.first_name = function(){
    return User.first_name_for(this.name);

  User.first_name_for = function(name){
    return name.split(/\s+/)[0];

teh answerz...