published on: 2013-02-10

multiplexing which images to send to which devices is a sticky problem.

some people use device detection (user-agents) to determine who wants big images. sometimes media queries/screen width is used as a proxy.

both are poor choices.

these days one can easily desire hi-res images to be displayed using a retina screened tablet on local wifi. with ‘normal’ image enhancement approaches some devices, with good connections and amazingly pixel density, will receive low quality images.

a tablet on a slow connection in landscape orientation might have a screen with pushing some arbitrary (768px) threshold and be delivered massive images designed for broadband connected desktop machines.

compounding the problem is that device and/or screen width enhancement can easily result in sending a small image to a device with a high density display that causes real layout issues: a 320px image might take up the full screen on some iphones, while on others it will either occupy 1/2 the screen or become streched to fill all 640 and look poorly.

what if, instead, we simply always tried to deliver the highest quality images to all devices and provied lower quality ones if we determined that this was a bad plan at runtime?

the approach of jquery.bires is exactly this.

the content intially comes down with low quality images, making page load time as fast as possible and giving the user the full content. after all low quality images are loaded jquery.bires begins replacing low quality images with hi quality ones serially, timing the speed of each replacement. if any replacement seems to be taking too long enhancement simply stops. because jquery.bires loades the larger images one at the time the ui remains responsive to user clicks and interactions.

the key here is that, with today’s high density mobile displays, it’s actually bandwith and not screen size that should determine who gets hi quality images.

this approach results in the fancy tablet on local wifi getting the best possible experience while, at the same time, keeps pages viewed on a desktop tethered through a 3G connect from killing a data plan and loading very slowly.

best of all, instead of manging lists of user agents, guessing about various breakpoints, etc - the code simply always uses the same strategy of trying hard to make pages load fast and become as good as possible later.





  <a href="#!scott-jurek" title="Scott Jurek">
    <img class="bires" 
    src="assets/banner.png" />
  <a href="#!robert-sinskey-vinyards" name="42" title="Robert Sinskey Vinyards">
    <img class="bires" 
    src="assets/banner.png" />

    bires.download({'selector' : 'img.bires'});


  // the hi-res image downloader object
    var bires = {};
    bires.selector      = 'img.bires';
    bires.too_damn_slow = 420;
    bires.debug         = false;
    bires.debug_delay   = 420;
  // downloader class and factory method
    bires.downloader = new Function();
    bires.download = function(){
      var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
      var downloader = new bires.downloader;
      downloader.initialize.apply(downloader, args);
          function(){ downloader.download() }
    bires.downloader.prototype.initialize = function(){
      var downloader = this;
      var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
      var options = {};
      var opts = ['selector', 'too_damn_slow', 'debug', 'debug_delay'];
      if(args.length == 1 && typeof(args[0]) == 'object'){
        options = args[0];
      } else {
        for(var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++){
          options[opts[i]] = args[i];
        function(o){ downloader[o] = options[o] || bires[o]; }
      this.imgs = jQuery(this.selector);
      this.queue = jQuery.map(this.imgs, function(img){ return jQuery(img) });
      this.timer = new bires.timer();
      this.downloading = false;
  // download images serially one at the time, timing each one, bail if things start looking slow
    bires.downloader.prototype.download = function(){
      var downloader = this;
      var img = this.queue.shift();
        this.downloading = false;
      } else {
          if(this.debug) this.imgs.css({'opacity' : 0.42});
          this.downloading = true;
      img.data('lores', img.attr('src'));
      var src = img.data('hires');
      img.imagesLoaded(function(){ downloader.success(img) }); // via: https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded
      this.log('downloading: ' + src);
      img.attr('src', src);
    bires.downloader.prototype.success = function(img){
      var downloader = this;
      var src = img.attr('src');
      this.log('downloaded: ' + src);
      this.log('elapsed: ' + this.timer.elapsed());
      if(this.debug) img.css({'opacity' : 42});
      var not_too_damn_slow = this.timer.avg() < this.too_damn_slow;
      var more_images_to_load = this.queue.length > 0;
      var keep_downloading = (this.debug || (more_images_to_load && not_too_damn_slow));
          setTimeout( function(){ downloader.download() }, this.debug_delay);
        } else {
    bires.downloader.prototype.log = function(string){
        try{ console.log(string) } catch(e){};
  // simple interval timer class
    bires.timer = function(){
      this.time = null;
      this.samples = [];
    bires.timer.prototype.start = function(){
      this.time = (new Date()).getTime();
    bires.timer.prototype.stop = function(){
      var now = (new Date()).getTime();
      var elapsed = now - this.time;
      this.time = null;
    bires.timer.prototype.avg = function(){
      var total = 0;
      for(var i = 0; i < this.samples.length; i++){
        total += this.samples[i];
      return(total / this.samples.length);
    bires.timer.prototype.elapsed = function(){
      return(this.samples[this.samples.length - 1]);
  // export bires into the provided namespace
    (namespace || window).bires = bires;
