published on: 2013-02-08

all dojo4’s rails application use markdown in some fashion. following is the setup we have for the shiniest of shiny markdown configurations:

step one is suck in the require gems

# Gemfile
gem 'redcarpet'
gem 'pygments.rb'

next, you might want a good utility method that wraps up a syntax highlighting class and common calling conventions

# file: lib/util.rb
module Util
  # teh markdown support
  class SyntaxHighlighting < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
    def block_code(code, language)
      language = 'ruby' if language.to_s.strip.empty?
      Pygments.highlight(code, :lexer => language, :options => {:encoding => 'utf-8'})
  def markdown(*args, &block)
    @markdown ||=
        :no_intra_emphasis   => true,
        :tables              => true,
        :fenced_code_blocks  => true,
        :autolink            => true,
        :strikethrough       => true,
        :lax_html_blocks     => true,
        :space_after_headers => true,
        :superscript         => true
    if args.empty? and block.nil?
      source = args.join
      return nil if source.blank?
      @markdown.render(source, &block).strip.sub(/\A<p>/,'').sub(/<\/p>\Z/,'').html_safe
  extend self

okay cool. you are now setup to process markdown, with syntax highlighting, like so:

  Util.markdown(" * this\n* is\n * a\n* list ")

but, you know that’s kind of expensive and we generally avoid doing it in the view. instead, we cache both the raw markdown and markdown formatted markdown on our objects. don’t forget that you need to keep the raw markdown if you want to let the user re-edit it…

# file : app/models/post.rb
class Post
  include Mongoid::Document
  field :body_source, :type => String
  field :body, :type => String
  before_save do |post|
    if post.body_source.blank?
      post.body = nil
      post.body = Util.markdown(post.body_source)
  def to_html

one last awesome tidbit: some of us like writing simple views in markdown. this initializer will let you create ‘app/views/foo.md’ and have rails just do the right thing, including processing the markdown through erb first which allows looping, conditionals, etc…

# file: config/initializers/markdown_templates.rb
module MarkdownTemplateHandler
  def self.erb
    @erb ||= ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(:erb)
  def self.markdown(*args, &block)
    Util.markdown(*args, &block)
  def self.call(template)
    template = erb.call(template)
    "MarkdownTemplateHandler.markdown.render(begin;#{ template };end).html_safe"
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler(:md, MarkdownTemplateHandler)
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler(:markdown, MarkdownTemplateHandler)

let’s you do

# file: app/views/markdown-is-awesome.md

* this
* is
* a
* list


<% ['so', 'is', 'this'].each do |word| %>

* <%= word %>

<% end %>

and there you have it: rails markdown-fu for with pygments powered syntax highlighting