published on: 2011-05-04

Dilbert Stand Up.Png

It was like pulling teeth to get everyone in a room once a week to check in with each other. Just the word 'meeting' made people avoid eye contact with me, and it felt like punishment, rather than just a way for people to know what everyone else was doing and see how we could best help each other. So I decided to structure the meetings as simply as possible and promise that they would never take more than 15 minutes once a week. Everyone would stand in a circle and be asked to go around and answer the basic questions: "What are you working on?", "What do you need help with?", "What will you be working on next?" But the feeling didn't change much. The punishment theme held steady, and even if it wasn't that bad, it was definitely dull, tedious, and frankly, useless. We each got a dry overview of what other people around dojo4 were doing, but not particularly anymore than we could have figured out by just paying even mild attention to each other throughout the day to day. And we weren't connecting with each other any more than we would just casually around work, and actually much less so.

But the need still felt like it was there: how could we connect with one another on a regular basis, providing some cadence and cohesion within the group of us that make up this company?

Then one day, Ara comes to me with a thought he's had. He's been thinking about how we offer our clients and their projects much more than design and technology services; we offer our clients understanding. We base our relationships with clients on developing sturdy, innovative and satisfactory technology and design products, and that takes really listening. It takes listening and understanding to figure out what is unique about each client and each product, what are the nuances of the market that the product will be entering, what does the particular context require? We are building technology not for users but for humans, and to do that the basic ground has to be understanding. Since that is one of the main things we offer as a business, the logic follows that we should be cultivating that and allowing it to flourish within the company. With that in mind, Ara suggested and I offered to host a different kind of weekly check-in.

Our weekly standups now look like this:

The punishment vibe has pretty much evaporated. Our weekly standup now evokes a lot of laughter and is often very touching. It has allowed me to have a better understanding of the people I work with and what is important to them. We spend endless hours and emails relating the practical details of our work projects to each other, but it is rare that we get a chance to relate to each other in a genuine and candid way about what may (or may not) be meaningful to us. Granting some time to cultivating that understanding with each other feels incalculably more valuable to each other and the health of our business than any other way that we could spend 15 minutes 'meeting'.